Privacy Is Only For The Rich And Famous
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September 9, 2024

Privacy Is Only For The Rich And Famous

In today’s world only the rich, famous and elite class are allowed to have privacy. Politicians have privacy. Celebrities have privacy. The rich have privacy. The elites have privacy. Even members of law enforcement have privacy. They are part of the elite class because they have become the bodyguards for the rich, famous, powerful and elites.

The average person has no privacy, has no expectation of privacy and has no right to privacy. We are the little people that can be destroyed at will because we are not important to the powers in control. The everyday person is only considered a money making opportunity for large corporations that buy and sell peoples privacy on a daily basis. These same corporations and government are allowed to invade the average persons privacy continuously and have absolutely no plan to stop.

Online there is absolutely no privacy in spite of what some might say and believe. People actually destroy their own privacy by posting personal information online through social media and other various websites and platforms. Nothing like helping the government, corporations and scammers destroy your life. The response that shows how stupid some people really are is when they say, “They are going to get the information anyway.” They willingly supply all their personal details for some sort of a coupon or discount. Like I said, really stupid. When peoples privacy is invaded and their lives are destroyed is there any help from the government and corporations to help rebuild their lives? There is very little help, they might get a year or two of credit monitoring but that does nothing to help protect the person from bodily harm that has been done by all the available private information that is online. You can get name, age, address all at a few clicks of a mouse. I was shocked how easily it is to build a personal profile from the free information that is available online.

Companies sell your information on a daily basis and why should they be allowed to profit from your personal information. These companies should actually be put out of business for destroying your privacy. They should not be allowed to hide behind terms of service or the public information banner. Large search engines and corporations should be barred from listing or posting personal information and images. If people want to find this information let them work for it by actually collecting it the old way. Applying and physically receiving the information by request and application either personally or written. None of this information should be allowed to be easily disclosed with a few mouse clicks and keystrokes. These companies are making profit on the average persons life and if that person actually wants to see what information is available they have to pay for it. Why should you have to pay for your own personally information? As with most thing in life it is always about the money.

Government agencies post information constantly that put the average person at risk all in the name of convenience for others to see. Who are the others that use this information? Any scammer in the world. Our government agencies say they are protecting our privacy but they are the biggest abusers of their own policies. They do very little to safeguard the average persons identity. If you are rich and famous the courts hide and seal your privacy so they are protected and kept safe. The normal person is left to the will of any maniac that wants to do harm to them or their families.

People always talk about two tiers of justice but there is also two tiers of privacy. Is it by coincidence or chance or is it done on purpose to have separate forms of society? Companies post and sell information on the average citizen but protect the information of the rich, famous and well connected. For the famous they are opted out automatically by the government and corporations. Why does the everyday person have to request to be opted out, they should have to opt in. Many times the opt-out option is not even available for normal people. With the information freely available online anyone can take over a persons identity. The rich and famous are protected by laws and the average citizen is free game to corporations and scammers. Large corporations sell your privacy and data for profit with no regard on how it affects the a persons life. Satellite and drone footage and images are all an invasion of privacy and no one cares. Street views allow so much information online that can potentially harm the lives of those pictured. Once again the rich are shielded and protected by lawyers and laws while the normal person’s life is out in the open for everyone to see.

The rich and famous can lock all their information up so no one has access because the laws protect them and they can afford the legal teams to protect them. The average person does not have the law or a group of lawyers available to protect their privacy. It is the wild west for the everyday person’s privacy and they are constantly being attacked by the government, corporation and scammers. The normal person is the cannon fodder that is used to protect the rich, famous and powerful. That’s the way life has always been and it will always continue to be, if you are and average person your life means nothing to those that are trying to control it.

That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.

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