Our Government Despises Its Own Citizens
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September 16, 2024

Our Government Despises Its Own Citizens

Our government, politicians and political parties despise the citizens of this country. The hero of the progressive movement Woodrow Wilson despised the average people of the United States and that continues today with our current political parties. Despise, disrespect and disregard for the US citizen is the Democrat/Liberal/Progressive/Communist/Uni-Party motto.

Most people have no idea how much of today’s government from local, county, sate and federal detests the average citizen. For years elected official have been passing laws from the local to federal level that constrain individual rights and freedoms. The deck is stacked against the US citizen and it is done by their own government. There is no respect for the average person of this country because respect is a lost concept to our politicians, political parties and government.

I have said many times the system is rigged and it is that way on purpose to prevent the average person from running for office. It cost extreme amounts of money to get on the ballot in most areas for local, county state and federal elections. If the individual doesn’t have the money they need to raise funds. That is where the political party gets involved. Once you accept money from the party you do what you are told or the money disappears, you are abandoned and responsible for any debt. It’s all about money controls the candidate and the message. It’s always about the money and money corrupts all.

The citizens of this country have been asleep for too long while our political party system was being rigged for the establishment. There will never be true reform even if you started from scratch. The snakes will always be around to corrupt the new system. It all goes back to Good vs evil. I have repaired things all my life and sometimes you reach a point that something can not be repaired. You throw it on the junk pile and dismantle it to build something else. When you have a Republican controlled Senate and House that does not back the Republican President as in 2017 and 2018, it is broken. When you have the current Speaker of the House Mike Johnson ignore the recommendation of President Trump about the extension of the FISA Courts, border security and continuing resolutions, it is beyond repair. All of us want what is best for the USA and to bring it back to its greatness. Most opinions are the GOP can be fixed to do it. My opinion along with a small minority believe the GOP is beyond repair and needs to be replaced to accomplish it. Soon we will see which side will be right and which side will be wrong.

Most will never understand or admit the underlying goal of both parties is Money, Greed, Power and Control. The US citizens are used to attain it and keep it. The kabuki theater they play is the distraction to prevent the US citizen from seeing their true purpose. It has been done for years, so why should they change what works? It’s frustrating because as long as people believe politicians nothing will ever change. Everyone should see what is going on but they don’t. As I have said before, to acknowledge the problem means something has to be done about the problem. People talk but as with the Republican party there is no action. People with common sense have doubts but those that believe everything the government says do so at their own peril even though they will never admit it. People with sense question everything, so nothing will ever change as long as people are more interested in sports, celebrities, following any media or politician and other nonsense instead of reality.

Most people do not realize the country is on a path of destruction. Many do not see that their rights and freedoms are being taken away at a rapid pace. The US citizen is being corralled and controlled for a Uni-Party/Progressive/Socialist/Communist takeover. As we speak these traitors to the USA are silencing any dissent by prison time or worse. As that is happening many are still telling others, “Don’t stand up and ask questions because you are going to get us in trouble.” This is very similar to what has happened in the past and many do not and will not ever learn from history.

I was asked a few months ago if things could change and I responded “Yes” if people stopped adoring politicians and stopped listening and following any media. People need to start asking hard and difficult questions to force those in power to be answerable to the citizens of this country. As I have seen the last few months, with the majority of people, this will not happen. People are just following along, doing and repeating what they are told. They have no interest in trying to change the country for the better. They are comfortable with the status quo and want someone else to take care of it. They buy their hats and t-shirts and quote promotional slogans to act like they are doing something. In reality they are doing nothing but being sheep and following along. We can not be like this so we can not give up because then we become part of the problem. So we work and hope for the best but prepare for the worst. When you decide to take a stand you must realize that you will probably be standing alone. I learned that lesson a long time ago. I’ve been standing alone since I was a kid. At least now I have found a few that are also standing up against the mindless and sheep.

That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.

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