The Tone Is Changing
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September 23, 2024

The Tone Is Changing

Have you noticed that the tone of the Trump campaign has been changing? Please help. Do your part. Get involved. Don’t stop now. Sounds like the campaign pulling the fire alarm. President Trump recently posted about the failures of the US Postal Service to ensure election integrity. The post was unique because the last word was, “HELP” in capitals to show he was shouting. A news report recently came out that Trump will not run again if he does not win in November. It makes sense because of his age but why is that being released now? What is the campaign worried about?

Whenever I hear people say, “We are winning” and it’s constantly repeated by others, that’s when I know we are not “Winning” and there are major problems. When there are problems that’s when they bring in motivational speakers and cheerleaders. Those that say, “We are winning,” the online pundits and others, have become motivational speakers and are trying to get people involved because they know they are in trouble. Their cheerleaders are repeating the message but for a different reason, they think all is well. People point to articles and news stories to justify their position but if they were truly winning, they would not be acting worried and trying to motivate people to get involved.

The Republican party strategy has always been the same, “We have to win first and we will get them later.” When they win and when later comes nothing is done. When election season comes around again they say once again, “We have to win first and we will get them later.” Same useless words over and over with no action. This type of strategy always ends in failure for the country but not for the party or those in the media. When this strategy fails we will hear the usual, “We will get them next time.” Losing is a money making opportunity for media personalities because it increases listeners, viewers and subscribers. Losing is a goldmine for political parties because it means an increase in donations.

One problem is the history of party politics and I have seen it all my life, the faces change but the policies, practices and actions remain the same. It is the Uni-party. There are two parties in theory; Red and Blue, but the end goal is the same just like Good cop/Bad cop. The goal is money, which leads to power and ultimately leads to control. It’s all a game and the hard working people of this country are the pawns. Through the controlled media they keep the people of this country busy following distractions so they never wise up to what is really happening. Anyone that exposes what they are doing are labeled fakes by the sheep that are following the distractions because they will not follow the party message.

A major concern for the campaign is also all the propaganda about “Unity” at the Republican National Convention. The way Speaker Mike Johnson is acting it doesn’t show much “unity” with President Trump because he is ignoring Trump’s recommendations. This is what Speaker Mike Johnson, RNC, Republican politicians, media pundits, podcasters and their cheerleaders call “Unity.” The election is near and they are already betraying President Trump. What do you think they will do later? This is how Republican politicians practice unity, all for show but no go. This is what Speaker Mike Johnson, RNC, Republican politicians, media pundits, podcasters and their cheerleaders call “Unity.” The same people complaining about this betrayal a few months ago were chanting “Unity” now and we weed them out later. How did that work out? Later is here and many Congressional Republicans are not unified with President Trump. Mike Johnson has ignored Trump on extension of the Patriot Act and FISA Courts. He is ignoring him now about the Continuing Resolution, why would anyone think he is going to work with Trump if and when he becomes President? The political response will be as usual, “We can’t shut down the government in an election year. We will lose votes.” So the do nothing cycle continues. The GOP only cares about votes to get re-elected to keep their position and perks, they do not care what is good for the US citizen or the country.

Another problem for the Trump campaign was the 2020 election was too big to rig and the progressives did it. Almost four years later no one has been held accountable. Why would anyone think they won’t do it again? Years ago people were puzzled why George Soros was donating to the campaigns for state Secretary’s of State. The Secretary’s of State in each individual state oversee the ballot count and certify the elections. So far his strategy has worked perfectly.

Another reason why the Trump campaign could be nervous is look who still in control at the Justice Department, Merrick Garland. Whatever happened the Rep. Anna Paulina Luna’s Inherent Contempt of Congress charge against Merrick Garland? This is also the person that authorized the use of deadly force for the raid on Mar-A -Lago. She made headlines a few month ago and even watered her charge down. Still nothing from the Speaker Mike Johnson controlled Congress. Last month Representative Luna was running for re-election with Vance. Congress is back in session and her motion is not even being mentioned.

I hope I am wrong on everything I say about the future of this country. The future of this Republic is more important than anyone’s feelings or emotions. The goal of all of us is to keep this nation great so it can move forward and be a strong home for future generations. So with that goal in mind, I will be the first one to admit I was wrong. How many would be willing to admit when I was right?

That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.

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