Yes, People Are Clueless
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October 7, 2024

Yes, People Are Clueless

Over the last few months I realized how most people are manipulated, believe and repeat what they are told. One major point that is always ignored is that there is no independent media. As long as people are on the air, radio, television, internet, podcast, in print, etc. and are being paid by corporations, advertisers, millionaires, subscribers and others, they pander to who gives them the money. Most do not believe what they say or report. It’s always about the money and always has been.

People believe politicians and that our elected officials want to help the hard working people of this country. By the actions of our politicians we know this is not true. The taxpayers of this country are one thing to a politician, Democrat or Republican, a bank. Which the politicians turn into endless money supply by creating new taxes. It’s a continuous cycle. Unfortunately too many still listen and believe what they call “Esteemed,” “Honorable,” or “Great” politicians. A different term could also apply, “Owned.”

Our politicians and government take from everything we do. Money is never available for the hard working people of the USA but it is always available for foreign countries and causes. We should always take care of our own before any foreign country or cause. As long as there are homeless veterans and children in the USA and other citizens in need, not one penny should be sent to a foreign country. As always, it's all about control. Government means control. Control means they can hate and destroy anyone they want.

Just look at how the taxpayers of the USA have been the world’s bank account since World War I. After World War I the US paid to rebuild Europe. After World War II the US paid to rebuild Europe and Japan. After Korea the US paid to rebuild South Korea. After Vietnam the US paid to rebuild Vietnam. The US paid to rebuild Iraq. The US paid to rebuild Afghanistan. Ukraine is just the latest scheme to get more money from the US taxpayer. All this money that has been paid by the US taxpayer has gone into the accounts of large corporations and the politicians they own. In most countries that would be called “Treason.” In the USA today that is called “Policy” and that is the buzzword for the Uni-Party. The Uni-Party has been around for many years. The major endorsement of the Uni-Party was in 1986 when President Reagan and Speaker of the House Tip O’Neil announced amnesty for illegal immigration Congress passed and Reagan signed into law the Immigration Reform and Control Act or the Simpson-Mazzoli Act. It was a vote grabbing stunt that failed for traditional Republicans and it bolstered the Uni-Party Republicans.

People are clueless to the fact that politicians will always use tragedies for their campaigns. Re-elect us and this won’t happen again. They will raise huge amounts of money from those that believe them. As always no one will be held accountable, nothing will be done or changed. “Never let a crisis go to waste” same policy for Democrats and Republicans. A politician’s priority is always “Me First” after they are elected or re-elected. The only time they say “America First” is during election season. The sad part is most people believe them every election season.

Most people are clueless and believe nothing is real until it actually touches them. Most people believe crime is someone else’s problem until they are a victim of a crime. They believe the judicial system works great until they are sued and have to go through it. They believe law enforcement respects your rights until they are told, “I don’t care about your Constitution.” There are many more examples of people unaware of the reality around them. Many have never had to raise their voice or fight to protect themselves or their families. It is easier and safer to comply and not risk losing what you have than standing up and losing everything. People have no stomach for sacrifice and doing without all the gadgets and convenience of today's life. Unfortunately they will never admit they are part of the problem. They will always shift blame to those that tried to rock the boat in order to wake them up. When everything turns to crap they will blame us for not warning them.

For years clueless people have sat on their asses as they watched others disobey the rules. Often times they criticized those that dared to question the establishment and the esteemed politicians. Most times they labeled those people as crazy as their own God given rights were being taken away one by one. Unfortunately this mindset comes from people watching and listening to conservative media. It is easier, safer and financially more stable to watch and listen than to actually stand up and do something. Many of these people have never been to a town/city council meeting. Most have never joined a protest or boycott. Very few have attended school board meetings. Most have never gotten involved in any way. Sitting on their asses and nodding in agreement with the television or radio personality has brought this country to the edge of destruction. Sadly it will not change because people are still listening, watching and nodding in agreement with media personalities. Many think they are on a celebration cruise because they are being told by pundits that they are winning. They don’t realize the handle has all ready been pushed and they are being flushed and cruising down the drain.

That’s An Old Timer’s Opinion.

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