Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between this website and
To increase circulation I created a Substack named An Old Timer’s Opinion. is the original website and is now a backup in case I get removed or banned from Substack because one of my opinions might be too controversial for their platform.

The two websites operate separately. If you subscribe to the Substack site your subscription is not valid on this site, When you subscribe to this website,, your subscription is not valid on the Substack site.
Why should I pay to make a comment?
You are paying to comment because this means the comments are from “Real People” not from bots or created by algorithms.
What makes your information worthy of payment?
It is worth payment because it is information from “real experience” from someone that actually did the work, not just learned from a book or video.
The older generation thinks they are smarter than technology, why?
The older generation believes technology is a tool not a way of life. Old Timer’s like myself actually did the work, we did not ask technology “how to do it.”
Do you offer refunds?
No I do not offer refunds. All sales are final.
Will you post negative comments or am I waisting my money?
Yes I will post negative comments, that is the meaning of debate. Comments, good and bad, are all part of a constructive environment. That’s how we learn from each other.
I think you’re a scam what do you say about that?
I am just A Old Timer trying to make a living off my experiences. You might call it a scam, I call it trying to survive in tough times.
You sound like a pan-handler on a street corner what’s your response?
That is your opinion. I believe I am offering a service of actual people asking questions, an experienced person answering questions and real people commenting. No bots or algorithms involved.
How do I get a refund on my comment?
I do not offer refunds on comments. All sales are final.
What is a “Cost of a Donut?”
A Cost of a Donut is the amount to post a comment on one of my opinions. It is the cost of a “Donut” at a diner years ago.
You must be old, your prices for a donut are way off, do you live in reality?
I am old and I am a little out of touch on dining prices these days. I rarely go to diners and coffee shops. I am sure I would be shocked at today’s prices. On the other hand no one would pay that much for my service, that is reality.
I think your opinions are really stupid, why should I pay to comment?
That is your opinion and your choice. Unfortunately people want to destroy others for their opinion. If you don’t like my opinion and you want to destroy me you have to pay to post a comment.
Do you censor or change paid comments?
I convert inappropriate, off color and vulgar language to comic script (@#$%) or ****. I do not want this site to be taken over by vile comments.
Do you censor sexual paid comments?
I do not allow sexual comments of any kind. If you pay and submit a sexual comment it will not be posted. You will be waisting your money because NO REFUND will be given.
How long will my paid comment be online?
As long as I am in business and can offered the web hosting and domain fees. It will probably longer because we all know the internet is forever.
If I purchase a comment, how long will it take for it to be posted online?
Comment posting is not automated, I actually work for the little amount I receive. I read and may publicly respond to every paid comment. I will post your paid comment as soon as possible because I have to copy and paste from the shopping cart platform to my website. I have no staff, it is only me. I follow Pacific Time-7am to 7pm-Monday thru Saturday, Closed on Sundays. I work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. If your comment arrives after 7pm Pacific time, I will post and may respond to it the next day. If your comment arrives after 7pm Pacific Time on Saturday, I will post and may respond to it on Monday morning. Comments and responses are uploaded a minimum of once per day, Monday thru Saturday. No uploads on Sunday. I do not work on Sundays, I am old fashioned.
What is the maximum length for a comment?
Maximum length is 1,000 characters.
Why should I pay to make a comment?
I have no advertisers or sponsors. I do not get paid per click. I do not have an enormous following or subscribers. For readers if someone pays to comment you know they are genuine. Why would you pay to leave bogus comments? Free comments are not reliable because they can be manipulated. Your small payment also helps An Old Timer get his opinion and your comment on that opinion out to as many as possible.
Why don’t you pay me to make a comment on your opinion?
That would defeat the purpose of trying to make a living and bankrupt me.
What is a yearly subscription?
A yearly subscription offers a discount on comments.
Do you get any extra benefits with a yearly subscription?

Direct commenting on opinions, comment, rants and other topics when you log into your account.

You can comment and respond on all posted opinions, comment, rants and other topics when you log into your account.

Email access to An Old Timer.

Special Subscriber Help link for website questions.

Subscriber Chat is a feature to chat with me (An Old Timer) or with other subscribers about the posted opinions, the website or other topics related to An Old Timer”s Opinion. This feature is NOT available or viewable to the Public. It is between me, you and other subscribers.
What is Subscriber Chat?
Subscriber Chat is only available to Yearly Subscribers and is a feature to chat with me (An Old Timer) or with other subscribers about the posted opinions, the website or other topics related to An Old Timer”s Opinion. This feature is NOT available or viewable to the Public. It is between me, you and other subscribers.

Subscriber Chat is a very basic text only platform. To conserve bandwidth and reduce costs only your Nickname is visible in the Chat Box. Profile images and file uploads are not available.
What is the difference between Comments and Chat?
Comments are posted on the website viewable by all and are available by individual purchase or by purchasing a yearly subscription.

With the purchase of a yearly subscription you also get:
•Direct commenting on opinions when you log into your account.
•You can comment as many times as you want on all posted opinions.
•Email Access to An Old Timer.

Chat is only available to yearly subscribers and you must login to view and participate.

Subscriber Chat Page
The Chat Page feature is to chat with me (Old Timer) or with other subscribers about anything. This feature is not available or viewable to the Public. It is between me, you and other subscribers.

Subscriber Chat is a very basic chatting text only platform. To conserve bandwidth and reduce costs only your Nickname is visible in the Chat Box. Profile images and file uploads are not available.
How do I renew my yearly subscription?
To renew your Yearly Subscription, login to the Subscriber Menu and click on the link, Renew Your Subscription. When you renew your subscription, please enter CID information from the Renewal Email you received.
How do I change my password?
To change your password click on the Change Subscriber Password link in the Subscriber Menu and fill out the form. You will receive confirmation of the password change after you submit the form.
I forgot my password how do I get it reset?
To reset your forgotten password click on the Subscriber Login link. Enter your Email Address and on the bottom right of the form click on the Forgot Password link. You will receive and email with a new temporary password to log into your account. Use this information to log into your account and then change your password to something of your choosing. To change your password click on the Change Subscriber Password link in the Subscriber Menu and fill out the form. You will receive confirmation of the password change after you submit the form.
How do I change my location?
To change your location click on the Change Subscriber Location link in the Subscriber Menu and fill out the form. You will receive confirmation of the location change after you submit the form.
How do I change my email address?
To change your Email Address click on the Change Subscriber Email Address link in the Subscriber Menu and fill out the form. An email will be sent to your old email address relating to the change to your account. You must press the Click to Confirm link to activate the email change. You will receive confirmation of the email change and will be able to use your new email address to log into your account.
How do I change the name on my account?
To change the name on your account please fill out the Subscriber Help Request Form. In the message area please enter the new name and the reason for the change. This type of request prevents vulgar names from being added to your account. The name change will be completed during normal operation hours.
My yearly subscription lapsed and my Subscriber access has been terminated how do I renew my Subscription?
To renew your Yearly Subscription after your access to the Subscriber Area has been terminated you will need to purchase a new Yearly Subscription. When you purchase your subscription, please enter CID information from the Renewal Emails you received in the past in the Note area of the purchase form.
What if I want to cancel my yearly subscription, do I get a refund on the unused portion?
Yes. The unused full months will be refunded. Partial months will not be refunded.
How do I cancel my yearly subscription?
Login to your account, at the Subscriber Menu click on the link, Cancel Your Subscription and fill out the form. Your request will be handled as soon as possible. If a refund is due for remaining full months, it will be credited to the card used to Purchase or Renew the Yearly Subscription. You will receive an email verifying the Cancellation and access to the Subscriber area will be terminated at the and of the remaining month. Your previous posted comments will remain online.
I purchased a yearly subscription but I can not locate the Subscriber Registration Page?
Due to spam the Subscriber Registration page was removed from Navigation and the Sidebar. A link to Subscriber Registration is on the Purchase A Yearly Subscription page. You can also click the following, Subscriber Registration.
I purchased a yearly subscription, why do I have to wait to have my Subscriber Account activated? That is not a full year subscription.
Your yearly subscription clock starts after your account has been activated. You get a Full Year (365 Days) of access.
Why does my Credit Card statement show a charge to James Colozzo and a receipt was issued from James Colozzo’s Store?
My name is James Colozzo, my shopping cart is “James Colozzo’s Store,” I am the Old Timer operating and you made a purchase from my store.

FAQ Revised 2/14/25

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