An Old Timer's Comments On Current Events
Why do people think the rich will always help them?
The rich just help themselves make more money from the backs of hard working people.
All these billionaires being appointed to positions is a sign of business as usual.
As always it’s about the money.
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Why do people think the rich can fix everything?
From what we have seen over the last hundred years they have ruined life for most hard working people in this country.
Yes they gave people jobs but they took more back in return, such as self respect and independence.
The hard working citizens of the USA are slaves to the rich.
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Many County Sheriffs in heavily populated areas are finally pushing back on the crazy orders issued by County Supervisors and State Officials.
These Sheriffs are showing their independence by doing their duty as duly elected officials for their County.
Hopefully this will grow to other areas and bring some sanity back to the country.
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This love affair with Elon Musk is very concerning.
With all of his posts, interviews and statements, is he running the country?
Is he becoming the world’s President?
He is quick to criticize the United States government but when is Musk going to criticize the communist Chinese government?
People are blind to see what is in front of them while they are celebrating.
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Recent news of a rich person wanting to buy a media network and conservatives are in full support. Unfortunately this rich person is still censoring people on his social media platform. I guess censorship is ok with people as long as long as it is their side doing it. Conservative media personalities, pundits, their cheerleaders are hypocrites.
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With all these appointments of the ultra rich just shows nothing will change. Money gives you access and that access gives you power. It’s an exclusive club and the average US citizen in not a member. These appointments of the rich are payback and they always have been for as long as I can remember.
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Something to be thankful is the hope of making food in this country real and healthy again instead of the corporate chemical substitutes of today.
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No one with any ties to the WEF (World Economic Forum)-Klaus Schwab and the NWO (New World Order)-George Soros should be part of this new administration.
We are already off to a bad start.
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I will always believe we need a two party system.
Unfortunately we do not have one and haven’t had one for many years.
Currently we have a Uni-Party.
Until people realize this nothing will change.
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The theatrics in Washington, DC is all planned.
The swamp doing what it does best, protecting itself. Most people don’t even know it is happening because they are busy celebrating the “Win.”
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