An Old Timer's Rant On Current Events

Trump might have won the selection in November 2024 but Elon Musk is pulling his strings at the early stages of his new Presidency.
Many are cheering and bowing to the “Puppetmaster.”
Several weeks ago President Trump revoked the security clearances for several individuals. He also stopped intelligence briefing to Biden.
Our new DNI (Director Of National Intelligence), Tulsi Gabbard, announced on March 10, 2025 that she revoked the security clearances and intelligence briefings.
Why did it take her so long?
President Trump said recently the Deep State is finished.
If that’s what he believes this early in his second term that makes me wonder he might be part of it.
The Deep State purged the unneeded because they have new people in place and in control.
This country has been through hell the last four years and all our current and future leaders want to do is play games.
It’s disgusting because they are playing games with the lives of the hardworking US citizens to appease their egos.
After reading so-called conservative social media one important lesson is learned, the so-called conservative side is just like the liberal side.
Sheep’s of the movement, no thought, no common sense just repeat, clap and do what you are told.
Attorney General Pam Bondi said she received a “Truckload” of Epstein documents that were previously hidden.
If it took her almost a week to review 122 pages how long will it take for her to review a “Truckload” of documents?
Fanatics are dangerous no matter what side of the aisle they stand.
In politics, religion and life in general.
Many say Trump brings everyone to the front to expose them.
That means the only thing that is being exposed is people’s ignorance to reality.
People are not interested in facts or reality.
All they want to do is feel good and have fun.
Even if that passive attitude is going to destroy them.
Conservative media personalities promote the rich, famous and well connected because they are one of the same.
It’s never about the average hardworking US citizen that is trying to survive.
How easy it is to manipulate the sheep.
No one is asking questions because they are just clapping seals tooting their horns while watching the show.
For those cheering Elon Musk’s every move, ignoring the fact that he pushes AI (Artificial Intelligence), believes in trans-humanism by putting chips into people brains and in many ways thinks he’s a god.
If you believe he is doing this out of the goodness of his heart, you’re a special kind of stupid.
Now we know why President Trump appointed an Executive Producer to the White House.
It’s all promotion and propaganda.
It’s amazing to see how many so-called conservative media personalities and pundits act like bought and paid celebrities.
The clapping seals swallow the swill and applaud everything they say.
Many in this country are extremely happy at this time.
They have their new Big Tech savior who replaced the President.
The pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together.
I don’t think the completed puzzle will be what many people expected.
We see what they allow us to see.
Always has been this way.
With all that is happening today just reaffirms most people are clueless.
They are happy to go along with the distraction for the day that is put in front of them.
The Deep State has more control today and are manipulating just like before.
It’s all in front of us and people are cheering every move.
It sad to see how many people are drinking the punch.
No one cares or sees what is right in front of them, complete control of their lives.
That’s what accepting AI (Artificial Intelligence), robot and trans-humanism will do.
We are living in a giant psyop and there are no “Good Guys.”
People do not realize they are being conned and played as usual.
People praising AI (Artificial Intelligence) and its uses on ALL systems are in just one word, “Idiots.”
Anyone with an ounce of sense sees it for what is is, Artificial.
Unfortunately these idiots want “AI, Artificial Intelligence” to control everything.
I guess we can call them stupid too.
Elon Musk and President Trump are discussing to give the taxpayers a gift.
Give people some crumbs and the will do anything you want.
At this time we are getting appeasement not accountability and there is a big difference.
The longer we get appeasement the harder it will be to get accountability.
It’s all a show.
When you have a Press Secretary that wants to invite “Influencers” into the White House Press Room, that tells you that the White House does not want to inform people, they want to “Influence” them.
Otherwise known as “Propaganda.”
If you think it is a good idea to 19-21 year olds running the show that have NO life experience?
You need to have your head examined.
Interesting how all of the J6 prisoner cases have fallen off the headlines and news cycle.
What happened to those that were not released after they were issued a pardon?
Anyone that thinks that Elon Musk is doing all of this out of the goodness of his heart has their head so far up their behind they are looking out of their belly button.
For the ultra-rich there is always an ulterior motive.
Common sense and being able to think for yourself is no longer part of the USA.
The vast majority on both sides are happy to be led around by whatever is put in front of them.
When you have two arrogant and egotistical individuals like President Trump and Elon Musk, sooner or later there will be a major conflict.
It will be interesting who comes out on top.
Yes so-called conservative media and people are really that gullible because they have another so-called savior.
They need to be careful for what they wish for because it is not going to end they way they hope.
How many people accessing our data systems are here on H1B Visas?
Where else is the data being directed?
It has been reported that 19-21 year old DOGE team members are conducting 15 minute job justification interviews.
The toddlers are running the daycare.
So-called Conservatives are all sitting around the campfire singing “Kumbaya” with all the disgusting oligarchs of society.
Why is it those that have money and are living a comfortable life always approve and accept when those with money have access to our elected officials?
In the media, Conservatives rally around “Rock Star” Press Secretary after the first White House briefing.
Today that’s what it’s all about, promotion and the show.
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