Thank you for registering.
You will receive a confirmation email shortly to notify you your account has been registered.
You will receive another confirmation email (usually within 24 hours) to notify you when your account has been activated. Your subscription actually starts after it has been activated, not when you register. You receive one (1) full year of activation.
You will not be able to Login until your account has been activated. I need to match your Name and Email Address to my Paid Subscriber List. If the information does not match your account will remain Deactivated until I receive Subscriber Purchasing Confirmation.
Thank you,
An Old Timer
You will receive another confirmation email (usually within 24 hours) to notify you when your account has been activated. Your subscription actually starts after it has been activated, not when you register. You receive one (1) full year of activation.
You will not be able to Login until your account has been activated. I need to match your Name and Email Address to my Paid Subscriber List. If the information does not match your account will remain Deactivated until I receive Subscriber Purchasing Confirmation.
Thank you,
An Old Timer